Again, Senate adjourns plenary

Senate Tuesday adjourned sitting to November 20 following the inability of the upper chamber to form a quorum.

The upper chamber was more than 10 but not up to 20 in the said session.

This resolution was sequel to an adopted motion sponsored by senator Phillip Aduda representing the Federal Capital Territory, FCT.

In his presentation, Adudua said, “Mr. President and my most respected colleagues, we have not formed the required number approved for the sitting to hold. The approved number of quorum is 38 but we are less than the requisite number. And, therefore, I most responsibly move a motion that the sitting be adjourned to November 20 to enable our colleagues to complete their oversight functions”.

But when the Senate was about to rise in line with the adjournment resolution, members in attendance rose to 20.

Firming up its resolution, Senate President, Bukola Saraki affirmed that the lack of quorum was for the oversight functions which a greater majority of members were involved and, therefore, said the adjournment would afford the red chamber the opportunity to conclude their various oversight engagements.