Zimbabwe Police Arrest CEO of State Power Company Over Tender

Zimbabwean police arrested the head of the state power distributor over a tender involving an Indian company, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said.

The authorities detained Joshua Chifamba, chief executive officer of the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission & Distribution Co., on Wednesday night and he’ll appear in court on Thursday, Nyathi said by phone from the capital, Harare.

He will face charges that “relate to a $35 million tender involving an Indian company called PME,” Nyathi said. Noida, India-based PME Power Solutions India Ltd. is a manufacturer of power transformers.

To contact the reporter on this story: Godfrey Marawanyika in Harare at gmarawanyika@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Antony Sguazzin at asguazzin@bloomberg.net, Paul Richardson, Vernon Wessels

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